
  • 2021-08-10
2021德国红点设计奖出炉,亚大视觉传达设计系、创意商品设计系及数码媒体设计系共11件作品获奖,今年得奖作品丰富,获奖作品多元 。同学们的努力与成绩受到了肯定,让我们再次恭喜获奖的同学及指导老师。👏👏

✨《2021 Red dot - Brand & Communication design award》
GOOD NEWS---11 works receive an award in the Red Dot Award.
The 2021 German Red dot design award has been announced. This year, Asia University, including the teachers and students of the Department of Visual Communication Design, Creative Product Design and Digital Media Design, has 11 works awarded.
🎉Congratulations on those great achievement! 🎉 Last but not least, a varity of excellent works astonish me soo much. We are happy to share those good news and effort and looking forward to celebrating your success together with you.
